Wednesday 18 May 2011

Black ops for you!

Welcome to my black ops blog!


Time to snipe!

Sniping is great for getting good kill
streaks and getting a good kill-death
 ratio, but you must learn first and
 practice alot, otherwise you wont
 be able to do it. If you wanna learn
 how to snipe this is the right guide
 for you!

Now for starters Black ops is not like modern
warfare 2, sniping is not as simple, it requires skill, patience and alot of practice.

Where can you practice your sniping in Black ops?
This question is asked alot yet the answer is so simple: Combat training!

What is combat training?

Combat training is a game mode which allows you to play against fake players, meaning nobody is controlling them, you can change the difficulty and you can choose whatever map you want, only disadvantage is that you need to level up in combat training to be able to unlock the snipers.

What sniper to use?

In Black ops I would recommend the L96A1 as it is the most powerful, only disadvantage is its hard to use, but for Black ops as people have more health I would only recommend the L96A1.


The timing is very important in Black ops, you need to time your shot right, you also need to scope in at the right place, otherwise the shot will be difficult, in Black ops the best shot to do would be a quick scope, but not always as sometimes you are to far to execute a good quick scope.

Different scopes!

Hard scope: You scope in and stay scoped in until you see someone, then you pull the trigger and usually kill them.
No scope: you dont scope in at all, you shoot without scoping in, just like hipfire with a machine gun.
Flash scope: you quickly press the aiming button and shoot, you don't see the aiming sight, the overall time for a flash scope in black ops is 0.3 seconds
Quick scope: A quick scope in black ops is to scope in on an enemy and shoot him quickly, now the difference in between a flash scope and a quickscope is that in a quickscope you see the aiming sight.

That was my Black ops sniping blog! I hope you liked it.

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